시험이 정말 코 앞으로 다가왔습니다. 시간을 더욱 효율적으로 사용해야 할 때입니다. 최종적으로 그 내용을 점검하고 문제풀이를 통해 부족한 부분을 채우면 좋겠습니다. |
문제를 풀기 전, 혹시라도 빼먹고 학습을 놓친 단어들이 있지는 않은지 확인이 필요하다면 지금
대화문의 주요 표현은 완벽하게 숙지되어 있는지, 혹 헷갈리는 부분이 있지 않는지 ★표시해둔
문장 위주로 한번 더 점검해 보세요.
5과 본문 내용을 다시 읽어보면서 주요 표현과 어법을 복습해 보세요 . 충분히 그 내용을 숙지했다면
아래의 문제들을 풀어보며 문제 응용력도 점검해 보세요.
● 5과: Living healthily and safely
▣ 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Smartphones can cause various health problems. One example is dry eyes. When you look at your smartphone, you do not blink often. Then your eyes will feel dry. Another problem ⓐthat you can have is neck pain. When you look down at your smartphone, the stress on your neck increases. Too much use of your smartphone, for example, too much texting, can cause neck pain. We call this text neck. For dry eyes, try to blink often. For text neck, move your smartphone up to your eye level. You can also do some neck stretching exercises. |
1. 멀줄 친 that의 쓰임과 다른 것은?
① I hope that she will help me.
② Andy is the boy that Hajun met in Canada.
③ Do you like the pizza that he made for us?
④ The country that I want to visit the most is France.
⑤ The restaurant that we visited in Jejudo was famous for mango salad.
2. 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Ways to Reduce Your Neck Pain
② Solutions for Smartphone Addiction
③ Good Points of Using Smartphones
④ No Smartphones For Young Children
⑤ Problems of Using Smartphones Too Much
▣ 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
W: What's wrong, Andy? B: Hello, Ms. Kim. My right thumb hurts. W: Hmm. Do you use your smartphone a lot? B: Yes, I text a lot. Why? W: I think you have texting thumb. B: Texting thumb? What's texting thumb? W: It's pain in your thumb. You can get it from texting too much. B: Oh, I didn't know that. W: Why don't you do some finger stretching exercises? B: OK, I will. W: And make sure you don't text too much. |
3. 위 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
① Andy broke his right thumb.
② Andy talks to his friends a lot on the phone.
③ Texting too much can cause texting thumb.
④ Andy will stop using his smartphone from now on.
⑤ Ms. Kim asks Andy to do some stretches before he exercises.
▣ 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Living without smartphones are difficult for many of us these days. However, unwise or too much use of smartphones can cause various problems.(가) All over the world, people are walking around like zombies. Their heads are down, and their eyes are on their smartphones. (나) We call smombies, smartphone zombies, such people. If you are a smombie, you can have various safety problems. (다) You may not see a hole in the street, so you may fall and get hurt. You may get into a car accident, too.(라) It's simple. (마) Do not look at your smartphone while you are walking! |
4. (가)~(마) 중 다음 보기의 문장이 들어가기에 알맞은 곳은?
[So what can you do to prevent these problems?]
① (가)
② (나)
③ (다)
④ (라)
⑤ (마)
▣ 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Living without smartphones are difficult for many of us these days. (A), unwise or too much use of smartphones can cause various problems. All over the world, people are walking around like zombies. Their heads are up, and their eyes are on their smartphones. We call smombies, smartphone zombies. (B) You may not see a hole in the street, (C) you may fall and get hurt. You may get into a car accident, too. So what can you do to prevent these problems? It's simple. Do not look at your smartphone when you walk! |
5. 위 글의 (A)~(C)에 들어갈 접속사로 알맞게 짝지어진 것은?
(A) (B) (C)
① However When because
② However If so
③ However If because
④ Therefore So but
⑤ Therefore When If
▣ 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Do you feel nervous when your smartphone is not around? Do you feel sad when you check your smartphone and there is no text message? If your answers are "yes," you may have smartphone addiction. There are various things that you can do to prevent (B) this. For example, turn off your smartphone during meals or meetings. You can talk to people instead of texting them. |
6. (B)가 의미하는 것은?
① dry eye
② smombie
③ texting thumb
④ no text message
⑤ smartphone addiction
7. 주어진 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?
[우리 모두는 그를 아인슈타인이라 불렀다.]
① We all called he Einstein.
② We all called his Einstein.
③ We all called Einstein him.
④ We all called him Einstein.
⑤ We all called to him as Einstein.
8. 대화의 빈칸에 가장 알맞지 않은 것은?
W: What's wrong, Inho?
B: --------------------------
① I have a headache.
② My back hurts a lot.
③ I have a sore throat.
④ I think you have a cold.
⑤ I fell and hurt my foot yesterday.
▣ 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
________(A)__________ All over the world, people are walking around like zombies. Their heads are down, and their eyes are on their smartphones. We call Ⓐ such people smombies, smartphone zombies. If you are a smombie, you can have various safety Ⓑproblems. You may not see a hole in the street, so you may fall and Ⓒ to get hurt. You may get into a car accident, too. So what can you do Ⓓ to prevent these problems? It's simple. Do not look at your smartphone Ⓔ during you are walking! |
9. (A)에 들어갈 글의 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것은?
① 스몸비가 증가하는 이유
② 스몸비가 사회에 끼치는 영향
③ 스몸비의 정의 및 관련 안전 문제들
④ 업무 중 스마트폰 사용 금지의 필요성
⑤ 과도한 스마트폰 사용으로 인한 신체적 문제점
10. Ⓐ~Ⓔ 중 어법상 적절한 것을 2개 고르시오.
① Ⓐ
② Ⓑ
③ Ⓒ
④ Ⓓ
⑤ Ⓔ
5과 문제를 모두 풀어보았다면 6과로 이동해 문제 풀어보시겠어요? 6과 관련한 문제에는
친구들의 오답률이 높은 단어의 영영 뜻 풀이 문제도 있습니다. 하나씩 꼼꼼하게 답을
정답: 1. ① / 2. ⑤ / 3. ③ / 4. ④ / 5. ② / 6. ⑤ / 7. ④ / 8. ④ / 9. ③ / 10. ①, ④
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