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[중1 영어] 동아(윤정미) 5과 확인문제

by Scarlet Park 2024. 9. 21.


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이론으로 아는 것 같은 것과 실제로 문제에서 정답을

찾아내는 것은 다른 이야기이니까요.

"아는 문제인데 틀렸어요." 하고 말하는 친구들은

안타깝게도 마킹실수가 아니라면

그 내용을  정확히 이해한 것이 아니랍니다.

빈출이 잦은 유형들로 준비했습니다.

문항수가 많지 않지만 풀어보면서 실력점검 해보세요.




1. 일기예보 표를 분석한 것으로 알맞은 것은?

① Seoul and Paris will be sunny in the afternoon.
② People in Paris will need umbrellas.
③ Beijing will be foggy in the afternoon.
④ It will be windy in the morning and sunny

    in the afternoon in Sydney.
⑤ It will rain all day long in Cairo, Egypt.




2. 다음 밑줄 친 It 중에서 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

It is dark outside.
It is May 2nd today.
It is Wednesday.
It is mine.
⑤ What time is it?




▣ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

People in Vietnam love wearing non las.
 A non la looks like a cone, and it is useful. 
In the hot and dry season, it protects the skin 
from the strong sun. In the rainy season, 
people use it as an umbrella. 
It can also be a basket.
eople put fruit and vegetables in it at the market!

3. 윗 글의 밑줄 친 wearing과 쓰임이 다른 것은?

① Kevin saw a sleeping cat.
② He enjoys running on the street.
③ Going camping is my favorite hobby.
④ Thank you for inviting us at the party.
⑤ My dream is climbing the Andes Mountains. 



▣ 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

Chullo, Peru
It is very cold high up in the Andes Mountains, 
so people in Peru wear chullos. 
A chullo is like a warm sock for the head. 
It also has long earflaps. In the past, 
a chullo’s color and design showed 
the wearer’s age and hometown. 
Today, the chullo is a popular winter fashion item!

Non la, Vietnam
People in Vietnam love wearing non las.
A non la looks like a cone, and it is useful.
In the hot and dry season, it protects the skin
from the strong sun. In the rainy season,
people use it as an umbrella.
It can also be a basket.
People put fruit and vegetables in it at the market!

4. 윗글의 내용과 가장 일치하지 않는 내용은?

① 안데스산맥 높은 곳은 기온이 매우 낮다.
② chullo를 양말처럼 발에 신어서 몸을 따뜻하게 해준다.
③ 페루사람들의 나이와 고향에 따라 chullo의 색과 무늬가 달랐다.
④ 베트남은 건조한 기후와 비가 많이 내리는 기후가 있다.
⑤ non la는 기후 및 상황에 따라 세 가지 방식으로 사용된다.





▣[5-6] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

People in different places wear different hats. 
Hats are useful. They are good fashion items. 
(가)They can also show a lot about culture.

America is the home of baseball. 
A New York baseball team first wore a baseball cap 
with a visor. The visor blocked the sun from the players. 
(나)It  blocked the sun from the players’ eyes
during games. These days, wearing a baseball cap is not
just for baseball players. Everyone around the world wears
a baseball cap in everyday life.

It is very cold high up in the Andes Mountains,
so people in Peru wear chullos. A chullo is
like a warm sock for the head. It also has long earflaps.
In the past, a chullo’s color and design showed
he wearer’s age and hometown. Today, the chullo is
a popular winter fashion item!

People in Vietnam love wearing non las.
A non la looks like a cone, and (다)it is useful.
In the hot and dry season, it protects the skin
from the strong sun. In the rainy season, people use it
as an umbrella. It can also be a basket. People put fruit
and vegetables in it at the market!

5. 윗 글을 읽고 답할 수 없는 질문은?

① Which country is the home of baseball?
② What did Chullo's color and design show in the past?
③ What is Non la useful for?
④ Why do people in Peru wear Chullos?
⑤ Why can hats show a lot about fashion?




6. (가), (나), (다)가 가리키는 것은?

      (가)                     (나)                   (다)
① hats      -    baseball cap   -    cone
② hats      -        the visor      -   Non la
③ cultures  -   baseball cap  -  Non la
④ fashion items  - the visor  -  Non la
⑤ fashion items  - baseball cap - cone




7. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ①~⑤ 중 쓰임이 나머지와 

   다른 하나는?

① It is very cold high up in the Andes Mountains, 
so people in Peru wear chullos. A chullo is a kind 
of hat. ② It is like a warm sock for the head.
③ It also has long earflaps.  In the past, 
it showed the wearer's age and hometown 
through its color and design. Today, 
it is a popular winter fashion item!


8. 다음의 밑줄 친 The가 공통으로 가리키는 것은?

People in different places wear different hats. 
Hats are useful. They are good fashion items. 
They can also show a lot about culture.

① hats
② items
③ people
④ fashion items
⑤ different places


▣[9-10] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

People in different places wear different hats.
Hats are useful. They are good fashion items.
They can also show a lot about culture. 

Baseball Cap, USA

America is the home of baseball.
A New York baseball team first wore
a baseball cap with a visor. The visor blocked
the sun from the player's eyes during games.
These days, (A)wearing a baseball cap is not
just for baseball players. Everyone
around the world wears a baseball cap
in everyday life. 

9. 윗 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 모두 고르면?

① Hats are good fashion items.
② People can also show a lot about culture.
③ A baseball cap has a visor.
④ An American baseball team first wore a baseball cap.
⑤ The visor protected the players' eyes from the wind.



10. 윗 글의 밑줄 친 (A)부분과 쓰임이 다른 하나는?

① He is good at singing.
② They love dancing together.
③ He is cleaning the house.
④ Swimming is his hobby.
⑤ Eric enjoys playing basketball.









정답: 1. ④ / 2. ④ / 3. ① / 4. ② / 5. ⑤ / 6. ② / 7. ①  / 8. ① / 9. ②, ⑤ / 10. ③




6과 본문에서는 어떤 문제들이 출제되었을까요?
문제 구경하러 가보실까요?^^
